Hi, I'm Lucy
Status: adopted

About Lucy
Lucy is a very sweet, almost 4-month-old puppy with a docked tail and natural floppy ears that are easily her cutest features. She weighs about 30lbs. She has typical puppy behavior inside and outside the house and is learning all the sights, sounds, and smells of the world.
Outside, she can be a little timid and shy initially, but with a few treats and sitting or kneeling down at her level, she is likely to quickly make friends with you. She likes to investigate just about everything but doesn’t have the courage yet to wander too far from the house. Lucy loves to be outside in the yard, but must be supervised, for now, as she puts everything in her mouth; mulch, sticks, plants, patio furniture cushions, etc. She rides well in the car. After a few minutes of fussing, she’ll curl up and sleep.
Inside the house, Lucy is just starting to learn good manners. She has learned the basics of “sit” while her food is being prepared and before going outside and is learning it’s OK for someone to momentarily take her food away. She is also learning that it’s OK for someone to take something from her mouth. She is getting comfortable with lots of pets, tummy rubs, and having hands on her paws, muzzle, ears, tail, hindquarters, etc.
Lucy is crate-trained. She is crated when left alone in the house. So far, she is good for up to 5 hours with no accidents. She hasn’t been crated longer than that. She is doing exceptionally well on house training. She still has occasional accidents, but they are by the door. She has learned to go to the door when she needs to go out. She goes out frequently if she’s playing. Like most puppies she likes to pick up just about everything she finds; shoes, socks, and her favorite…slippers. Lucy sleeps in her bed, in the bedroom and most nights sleeps through from about 10 pm to 5 am. Some mornings she sneaks into her foster mom’s bed to snuggle for the last 30 minutes or so before the alarm goes off. Lucy will climb on the couch to lie next to you. Like all Dobermans, she just wants to be close to you.
Lucy spent the weekend with an adult Doberman, which was her first encounter with another dog. After the initial fear wore off, she played for hours. While she won’t leave her street by herself, she follows the other dog around the neighborhood without hesitation. It was a huge confidence boost for her. Lucy would do well in a home with
an older brother or sister to show her the ropes.
Lucy requires a fully fenced yard. She is currently located in VA.
This is My Story
Lucy found herself needing DAR&E to find her a furever home.
DAR&E only places within the Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, Delaware, and in portions of both eastern West Virginia and southern Pennsylvania. Please do no apply to adopt if you live outside of those areas. Please visit our Adoption Process page for additional information on adopting one of our DAR&E Dobermans & an online application!
Our dogs are spayed/neutered, up-to-date on shots and microchipped.
How You Can Help Lucy
A Tax deductible sponsorship gifts of any amount are welcome in support of our orphans.
DAR&E Wear
Step 1 on the road to a forever home is a collar and tag. DAR&E dogs always have a home with us. Support a dog on its first steps by sponsoring the purchase of their collar and tag.
All sponsorship donations are tax deductible and will be used to care for and for medical treatment for dogs in DAR&E’s care. You can sponsor multiple dogs.